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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Three Short Poems


Silly God and Christ-ian fools spend so much time
Defending a corpse in desperate grasping hopeless hope
That the universe will not swallow them up.

Castrated by fear, they struggle - anxiously mouth and mime
And desperately convince themselves that the slippery slope
Into oblivion is no more than a sip from the mythical cup.


Dear Sky Fairy,
Please hear my prayer as I’m told you will.
Dear smiling fairy Jesus,
Born of a virgin like Dolly the sheep

Dear Holy Spirit,
Invisible but present - like electricity

Dear God,
If I mutter to myself, how do you hear without ears?


Why does God not heal amputees?
Is it that He hates their knees
Or stumps or stubs or endless pleas
For new-grown limbs?

Or is it that he does not see
Nor hear nor smell their misery
Because he’s no more than a disease
That we’ve created for our sins?

Atheist Epitaphs - try these on your own headstone!

Now I’ve gone I can attest
there is no life beyond the nest
of wife and sons and good TV.
It’s over now – that’s all from me.


This small brass plaque is all that’s left
of life and love and cells bereft
of all but thoughts in minds of sons
to pass on to their own loved ones.